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Introduction of Plastic-coated Steel Pipe for Thread-threading

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Introduction of Plastic-coated Steel Pipe for Thread-threading

Release date:2017-06-05 Author: Click:

Plastic-coated steel pipes for threading:

Plastic-coated steel pipes for threading are manufactured by hot-dip moulding process, and their performance ranks first among all threading pipes. Because of their excellent insulation, flexibility, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, wear resistance and tensile resistance, they are widely used in power construction and renovation projects. Steel plastic pipe

With the rapid development of power industry and information industry, environmental protection has gradually attracted people's attention. Wire and cable landing has been widely promoted in the construction and transformation of urban power grid, which makes the plastic-coated threading pipe more and more widely used. The construction of the plastic-coated threading pipe is simple, the investment is low, and the maintenance is convenient. The use of the pipeline not only benefits the improvement of city appearance, traffic and environment, but also avoids the interaction between cables and the influence of other underground pipelines on cables. It greatly reduces the cable failure caused by external force damage and prolongs the service life of the cable. It is the most ideal device to protect the cable.


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